Jesus The King by Timothy Keller (2016)
I’m a little late to the table. One week late to be exact, but I have read the most spiritually, life transformative book called Jesus The King: Understanding the life and death of the son of God written by Timothy Keller. This book is so thought-provoking, in fact, that I’ll toss out the window the traditional Brooklyn Gilmore book review and show you just how this book impacted my self-awareness in stewarding my faith and salvation in the One and Only during Holy week leading up to Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
First, let me share with you that Jesus the King is recommended reading. I was browsing stories on my Instragram page, @brooklyngilmore, on a Saturday morning and I came across a story from a friend at church whom asked: what are ya’ll doing to remember what Christ did for you leading up to Easter? She stated that she was reading Jesus the King and that we could join her in reading the book with her and/or share some things that we do to remember His blood shed on the cross. I knew right away that I needed to jump on this boat and join her in reading Jesus the King. To toss out the traditional brook review of listing the impactful highlights of this read and give you my opinion of why this book is timely, important, intellectual, beautiful, powerful, overwhelming, transparent, and transcendent, will do it no justice. The power of the Holy Spirit is so potent that as I read this book I inhaled wisdom, knowledge, kindness, pure unconditional love that left me awe-inspired page after page and I felt the love of Jesus Christ pour into my dry love bucket to overflow with content, wonder, joy, and a peace that “surpasses all understanding” Philippians 4:7 (ESV).
As a Follower of Jesus have you ever doubted God’s provision for your life, questioned your purpose, your calling, don’t understand suffering, God’s will, the importance, probable cause and motive for Jesus’ death and what that means for you? Good for you if you haven’t, but as a Follower of Jesus, I have questioned and doubted my faith many times; I have felt abandoned, over-looked, not seen, and less than by mankind. But, as I grow in my understanding of Jesus’ heart and his love for his people and his creation of this world, what he had intended to do with humanity versus what really happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve succumbing to Satan’s lies and how as humans, we are born into sin because “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” John 10:10 (ESV). Jesus the King answers all these questions and more in such a way that makes sense and puts into perspective Jesus’ life and death and what it means to spend life in eternity with Christ.
If y’all are Yellowstone and 1883 fans such as myself, then you will recall there is a scene in the last episode of 1883 (This Is Not Your Heaven) where Elsa picks a spot in Montana to die (SPOILER ALERT) after she’d been shot through the gut with an arrow marinated in manure and there is no cure, no hope for her to live past 18 years on her travels through the Oregon trail to her forever resting place. As she lays her head in her father’s lap, waiting to draw her last breath she says, “I understand it now. I know it now. I’m not scared.” She closes her eyes and she passes away. When Elsa says she understands it now, I know what it is,” she is referring to that death has no sting. The most pivotal understanding of being a Follower of Christ is that if humanity can get to a place of knowing what it means for death to lose its sting, it is at that specific moment, humanity will understand the impact of Jesus’ sacrifice of spreading the good news of salvation.
In Chapter 9, The Turn, Keller thoroughly explains that when Christ died for our sins, “he won through losing; he achieved our forgiveness on the cross by turning the values of the world on their head. He did not ‘fight fire with fire.’ He didn’t come and raise an army in order to put down the latest corrupt regime. He didn’t take power; he gave it up—and yet he triumphed. On the cross, then, the world’s misuse and glorification of power was exposed for what it is and defeated. The spell of the world’s system was broken.
The corrupt powers of this world will have many tools to make people afraid, the worst one being death. When you know that a civil power or some other power can kill you, you’re scared and they can use your fear to control you. But since Jesus died and rose again from the dead, if you can find a way to approach Jesus and cling to him, you know that death, the worst thing that can possibly happen to you, is now the best thing. Honey, get up. Death will put you in God’s arms and make you all you hoped to be. And when death loses its sting, when death no longer has power over you because of what Jesus did on the cross, then you will be living a life of love and not a life of fear” (pg. 112).
How selfish are you? Are you willing to die for your neighbor, your friend, how about a family member give it all up so that they can have it all? When Jesus died for me knowing fully who I am, he does it without question. Knowing me fully in my sinful nature, in the middle of my turmoil, knowing that I am an emotional mess figuring out who I am in him, and knowing that I was the lost sheep and he left the flock of 99 to bring me back to him. Reading this, comprehending this, feeling this at core of who I am, how can I not follow Him for the rest of my days?
He has forgiven me. He has given me grace when I don’t deserve it. He’s healed me. Restored me. Blessed me and given me favor when life should have otherwise sunk it’s teeth into me and push me further into unfairness of anger, regret, turmoil and hurt. Instead, he hears my prayers, comforts me in my tears, and tells me I am His. That’s why I Follow Jesus. But, folks I don’t know that as of today I can say I am willing 100 percent without a doubt will be a martyr for Christ without being scared of death? So, Lord, have your way with me and stretch me beyond my human capacity so that I can share the extravagant love of God with others so they will experience a life totally, completely surrendered to you and the freedom that brings.
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