
Showing posts from April, 2022

Jesus The King by Timothy Keller (2016)

 I’m a little late to the table. One week late to be exact, but I have read the most spiritually, life transformative book called Jesus The King: Understanding the life and death of the son of God written by Timothy Keller.  This book is so thought-provoking, in fact, that I’ll toss out the window the traditional Brooklyn Gilmore book review and show you just how this book impacted my self-awareness in stewarding my faith and salvation in the One and Only during Holy week leading up to Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.  First, let me share with you that Jesus the King is recommended reading. I was browsing stories on my Instragram page, @brooklyngilmore, on a Saturday morning and I came across a story from a friend at church whom asked: what are ya’ll doing to remember what Christ did for you leading up to Easter? She stated that she was reading Jesus the King and that we could join her in reading the book with her and/or share some things that we do to remember His bloo...